Quais histórias marcaram o Análise de Risco? #cortes

Quais Histórias Marcaram o Análise de Risco? #cortes

Como profissionais de saúde e segurança do trabalho, é comum que encontremos histórias incríveis em nossas carreiras. No entanto, algumas delas podem marcar mais profundamente do que outras, leaving a lasting impression on our minds and shaping our future endeavors.

One such story that stands out to me is the time we had the opportunity to interview Juliana Bley, a renowned expert in occupational health and safety, for our podcast. As we delved into her experiences and insights, I was struck by the depth of her knowledge and the passion she brought to her work. Her dedication to improving the lives of workers and preventing accidents and illnesses was truly inspiring.

Another story that had a profound impact on me was when we had two auditors from the International Labor Organization (ILO) as guests on our podcast. They shared their experiences working in various countries around the world, including Angola, where they were tasked with certifying a diamond mine under the ISO 45.000, ISO 9.000, and ISO 14.000 standards. The challenges they faced, such as language barriers and cultural differences, were immense, but they persevered and ultimately succeeded in their mission.

During this process, one of the auditors began to transcend the boundaries of his role and became more involved in the day-to-day operations of the mine. He started to understand the needs of the workers and the challenges they faced, and he was moved by the plight of the Russian owners of the mine who were struggling to maintain their business in a foreign land. This experience had a profound impact on him, and it changed the way he approached his work forever.

These stories, and many others like them, have taught me the importance of empathy, perseverance, and dedication in our work as health and safety professionals. They have also shown me that even in the most challenging situations, there is always room for growth and learning. As Weex – Saúde e Segurança do Trabalho, we are committed to sharing these stories and lessons with our audience, in the hopes that they too can be inspired and motivated by them.

Therefore, we invite you to watch the video below, which features an interview with Juliana Bley and highlights some of the key takeaways from her experiences. We hope that it will inspire you as much as it has inspired us, and that it will encourage you to pursue your own path of growth and development in the field of health and safety.

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In conclusion, the stories that have marked our analysis of risk have taught us valuable lessons about the importance of empathy, perseverance, and dedication in our work as health and safety professionals. We hope that these stories will inspire you to pursue your own path of growth and development, and that they will encourage you to make a positive impact on the lives of workers around the world. Thank you for reading, and we look forward to sharing more stories and insights with you in the future.

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Quais Histórias Marcaram o Análise de Risco? #cortes Como profissionais de saúde e segurança do trabalho, é comum que encontremos histórias incríveis em nossas carreiras. No entanto, algumas delas podem marcar mais profundamente do que outras, leaving a lasting impression on our minds and shaping our future endeavors. One such story that stands out to…

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