
NR 08 Atualizada em 2022: O que Mudou?

A Norma Regulamentadora NR 08, que estabelece requisitos de segurança e saúde para as edificações onde se desenvolvem atividades laborais, foi recentemente atualizada em 2022. O objetivo deste artigo é resumir as principais alterações introduzidas na norma.

Objetivo da Norma

A NR 08 tem como objetivo garantir segurança e conforto aos trabalhadores nas edificações where they work. The norm establishes requirements for the design, construction, and maintenance of these buildings to ensure a safe and healthy environment for workers.

Campo de Aplicação

The NR 08 applies to all buildings where workers are employed, regardless of the type of activity being carried out. This includes factories, offices, schools, hospitals, and any other type of building where work is performed.

Requisitos de Segurança e Saúde

  • Altura do piso ao teto: The height of the floor to the ceiling must comply with the code of works local or municipal postures, taking into account the provisions of the technical standards and the conditions of safety, comfort, and health established in the regulatory norms.
  • Circulação: The floors of the workplaces should not have protrusions or depressions that hinder the movement of people or the movement of materials. Doors, windows, and openings in the walls must be protected to prevent falls.
  • Proteção contra intempéries: The external parts of the building, as well as all those that separate independent units within a building, must comply with the technical standards for resistance to fire, thermal isolation, acoustic insulation, structural resistance, and impermeability.
  • Protection against moisture: The floors and walls of the workplaces should be protected against moisture when applicable.
  • Protection against rain: The roofs of the workplaces must ensure protection against rain.

Alterações Introduzidas na Atualização de 2022

The latest update to the NR 08 in 2022 introduced several changes, including:

  • New requirements for the protection of workers against falls from heights;
  • Stricter standards for the design and construction of stairs and ramps;
  • Increased emphasis on the need for adequate ventilation and lighting in workplaces;
  • New provisions for the protection of workers against exposure to harmful substances and agents.


The NR 08 is an important regulatory instrument that aims to ensure the safety and health of workers in all types of buildings where work is performed. The latest update to the norm in 2022 introduced several changes aimed at improving the protection of workers against falls, exposure to harmful substances, and other hazards. It is essential for employers and building owners to be aware of these changes and take appropriate measures to comply with the new requirements.

Download the full document (in Portuguese)
Fonte do texto: nr-08-atualizada-2022
Fonte do texto: nr-08-atualizada-2022

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NR 08 Atualizada em 2022: O que Mudou? A Norma Regulamentadora NR 08, que estabelece requisitos de segurança e saúde para as edificações onde se desenvolvem atividades laborais, foi recentemente atualizada em 2022. O objetivo deste artigo é resumir as principais alterações introduzidas na norma. Objetivo da Norma A NR 08 tem como objetivo garantir…

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